图片来源:medicalxpress.com 2015年11月17日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,在旧金山举办的美国肝病研究学会(AASLD)年会上,来自加州大学欧文分校的研究者表示,他们开发了一种快速有效的一步法检测法,其可以对丙肝病毒感染进行快速有效地筛查、检测及确诊;当前基于血液的丙肝病毒(HCV)检测技术需要两步,而且价格昂贵并不方便,并没有在全球广泛使用。 研究者Hu说道,我们的新型丙肝病毒抗原检测系统可以明显改善当前测试的敏感性和特异性,更重要的是,我们是首次利用该系统对尿液标本进行检测用于诊断患者的丙肝病毒感染;寻找一种方便、快速使用且高效的筛查方法非常重要,因为目前对患者丙肝病毒的筛查和诊断并不充足。 尽管当前的丙肝病毒筛查手段非常特殊且具有一定敏感性,但其并不能区分活动性感染和既往感染,而且当前的检测手段需要对血液样本进行两步检测,首先在血液中检测病毒特异性的抗体,其次进行敏感性的病毒RNA PCR试验来证实感染是否具有活动性;研究者指出,很多发展中国家目前并没有有效的设备来满足这两步测试,尤其是进行病毒的RNA PCR检测,在美国进行这一项检测就需要花费200美元;而本文中研究人员开发的新型丙肝病毒抗原检测系统可以明显减少患者开支,所消耗的人力及时间。 研究者Hu表示,相比血液而言,利用尿液检测患者丙肝病毒感染可以避免针穿刺以及血液样本的收集,在极大程度上降低了花费以及用于筛查和诊断的临床仪器的使用,可以在全球范围内便于患者及临床医生们的使用。据美国CDC数据显示,目前全球大约有1.5亿人感染了丙肝病毒,仅在美国就有320万感染患者,有效的筛查及快速诊断对于患者的治疗及传染控制非常重要。 感染丙肝病毒如今可以治愈,但病毒会引发患者肝脏损伤及并发症发生,感染患者通常会经历很多症状指导引发严重的肝脏损伤,比如肝硬化、肝纤维化及肝癌等;当前CDC推荐对一些高风险患者进行筛查检测,包括静脉内注射药物患者以及在1992年之前输血的个体,以及1945年至1965年之间出生的个体。 本文中研究者开发的新型丙肝检测手段或可帮助快速简便地对丙肝病毒感染者进行检测筛查,后期研究者将通过继续深入的研究优化这种检测手段使其更加人性化,便于患者使用。
One-step test for hepatitis C virus infection developed UC Irvine Health researchers have developed a cost-effective one-step test that screens, detects and confirms hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Dr. Ke-Qin Hu, director of hepatology services, will present findings at the Annual Meeting of American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) in San Francisco, Nov. 14-16. Current blood-based HCV testing requires two steps and can be expensive, inconvenient and is not widely available or affordable globally. "Our novel HCV antigen test system has significantly improved sensitivity and specificity over current tests. Importantly, for the first time, we can use urine specimens for one-step screening and diagnosing of HCV infection," said Hu, professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at UC Irvine School of Medicine. "Finding a more convenient, easy-to-use and cost-effective screening alternative is imperative, because HCV is significantly under-screened and under-diagnosed." Although the current HCV screening test is specific and sensitive, it cannot distinguish active infection from a previous infection. A blood sample is required, and two steps are required. First, virus-specific antibodies must be detected in the blood. Then, the sensitive HCV RNA PCR test must be administered to confirm whether or not the infection is active. Hu said many developing countries are not equipped to administer the two-step test, especially the HCV RNA PCR test. In the U.S., its cost is above $200. The novel HCV antigen test system developed by Hu's UC Irvine lab could significantly reduce the cost, human resources and time required for the test results. "The ability to detect infection using urine rather than blood avoids needle stick and blood sample collection, greatly reduces the cost and necessary clinical infrastructure for screening and diagnosis, helping to promote widespread adoption of the test on a global scale," Hu said.