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[诊疗指南] Nature子刊EJHG | NGS诊断指南发布

发表于 2016-2-1 01:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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背景介绍:EJHG(European journal of human genetics)属于Nature子刊,近日发布了“Guidelines for diagnostic next-generation sequencing”,即NGS诊断指南。小编整理出来与大家共享,希望能得到一些启发,欢迎各位朋友批评指正。
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•STATEMENT01: NGS should not be transferred to clinical practice
without an acceptable validation of the tests according to the
emerging guidelines.
•STATEMENT02: The laboratory has to make clear whether the test
that is being offered may be used to exclude a diagnosis, or to
confirm a diagnosis.

•STATEMENT03: The aim and the utility of the test or assay should
be discussed at the beginning of the validation and a summary
should be included in the validation report.

•STATEMENT04: When a laboratory is considering introducing
NGS in diagnostics, it first has to consider the diagnostic yield.

•STATEMENT05: For diagnostic purpose, only genes with a known
(ie,published and confirmed) relationship between the aberrant
genotype and the pathology should be included in the analysis.

•STATEMENT06: For the sake of comparison, to avoid irresponsible testing, for the benefitof the patients, ‘core disease gene lists’
should be established by the clinical and laboratory experts

•STATEMENT07: A simple rating system on the basis of coverage
and diagnostic yield, should allow comparison of the diagnostic
testing offer between laboratories.

•STATEMENT08: The laboratory has to provide for each NGS test
the following: the diseases it targets, the name of the genestested,
their reportable range, the analytical sensitivity and specificity,and,
if possible, the diseases not relevant to the clinical phenotypethat
could be caused by mutations in the tested genes

•STATEMENT09: The analysis pipeline of diagnostic laboratories
should focus on the gene panel under investigation in order to avoid
the chance of secondary findings, and be validated accordingly.

•STATEMENT10: Laboratories should provide information on the
chance of unsolicitedfindings.

•STATEMENT11: If a clinical center or a laboratory decides to offer
patients an opt-in, opt-out protocol to get carrier status for
unrelated diseases and secondary findings all the logistics need to
be covered.

•STATEMENT12: The local policy about dissemination of unsolicited and secondary findingsshould be clear for the patient.

••STATEMENT13:It is recommended to provide a written information leaflet or online availableinformation for patients.

•STATEMENT14: All NGS quality metrics used in diagnostics
procedures should be accurately described.

•STATEMENT15: The diagnostic laboratory has to implement a
structured database for relevant quality measures for (i)the
platform, (ii) all assays, and (iii) all samples processed.

•STATEMENT17: Accuracy and precision should be part of the
general platform validation, and the work does not have to be
repeated for individual methods or tests.

•STATEMENT18: The bioinformatics pipeline must be tailored for
the technical platform used.

•STATEMENT19: Analytical sensitivity and analytical specificity
must be established separately for each type of variant during
pipeline validation

•STATEMENT20: The diagnostic laboratory has to validate all parts
of the bioinformaticpipeline (public domain tools or commercial
software packages) with standard data sets whenever relevant
changes (new releases) are implemented.

•STATEMENT21: The diagnostic laboratory has to implement/use a
structured database for all relevant variants with current

•STATEMENT22: The diagnostic laboratory has to take steps for
long-term storage of all relevant data sets.

•STATEMENT23: The reportable range, that is, the portion of the
clinical target for which reliable calls can be generated, has tobe
defined during the test development and should be available tothe
clinician (either in the report or communicated digitally).

•STATEMENT24: The requirements for ‘reportable range’ depend
on the aim of the assay.

•STATEMENT25: Whenever major changes are made to the test,
quality parameters have to be checked, and samples have to be
re-run. The laboratory should define beforehand what kind of
samples and the number of cases that have to be assayed whenever
the method is updated or upgraded.

•STATEMENT26: The report of a NGS assay should summarize the
patient’s identification and diagnosis, a brief description of the test,
a summary of results, and the major findings on one page.
••检测报告应该在一页之内包括如下内容:1. 患者身份及诊断信息,2. 检测的概括性描述,3. 结果总结,4. 结论

•STATEMENT27: A local policy, in line with international recommendations, for reportinggenomic variants should be established and
documented by the laboratory prior to providing analysis of this type.

•STATEMENT28: Data on UVs have to be collected, with the aim to
eventually classify these variants definitively.

•STATEMENT29: Laboratories should have a clearly defined
protocol for addressing unsolicited and secondary findings prior
to launching the test.

•STATEMENT30: The laboratory is not expected to re-analyze old
data systematically and report novel findings, not even when the
core disease gene panel changes.

•STATEMENT31: To be able to manage disease variants, the
laboratory has to set up a local variant database for thedifferent
diseases for which testing is offered on a clinical basis

•STATEMENT32: A diagnostic test is any test directed toward
answering a clinical question related to a medical condition of a

•STATEMENT33: A research test is hypothesis driven and the
outcome may have limited clinical relevance for a patient enrolled
in the project

•STATEMENT34: The results of a diagnostic test, particularly by
analysis of a whole exome orgenome, can be hypothesis generating.

•STATEMENT35: Diagnostic tests that have as their primary aim to
search for a diagnosis in a single patient should be performed inan
accredited laboratory

•STATEMENT36: Research results have to be confirmed in an
accredited laboratory before being transferred to the patient.••研究性结果如果要告知患者,必须首先征得有资质的检测机构同意

•STATEMENT37: The frequency of all variants detected in healthy
individuals sequenced in a diagnostics and/or research setting
should be shared.••正常人群的变异数据应该共享。

•STATEMENT38: All reported variants should be shared by
submission to federated, regional, national, and/orinternational

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