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[糖尿病] 拜耳Eylea糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)临床击败诺华和罗氏Lucentis和Avastin

发表于 2014-10-22 13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2014年10月22日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --导读:拜耳Eylea于今年7月获欧美批准DME适应症,该项政府资助的疗效比较独立研究中,治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)时,Eylea击败罗氏和诺华Lucentis和Avastin,将使Eylea在DME领域更具影响力。  在一项由美国政府(NIH)资助的独立研究中,用于糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)治疗时,拜耳(Bayer)眼科药物Eylea击败了来自竞争对手诺华和罗氏的2种药物Lucentis和安维汀(Avastin)。Avastin是一种抗癌药物,但因价格优势常常标签外用药用于糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)的治疗。  在这项为期52周涉及660例DME患者的临床研究中,Eylea不仅在疗效上击败了Lucentis和Avastin,同时也取得了较好的安全记录,而且平均注射次数更少。RBC资本市场分析师认为,如果这些数据在明年的最终研究结果中得到证实,Eylea的优势将得到更大的提升。分析师引述StreetInsider,如果这些差距能够在第二年得以维持,Eylea在DME领域将更加具有影响力。  这对于拜耳和Regeneron来说,是一个大好消息。Eylea于2014年7-8月获FDA和欧盟批准用于糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)适应症。而诺华和罗氏眼科药物Lucentis分别于2011年和2012年获欧盟的FDA批准用于DME适应症。在DME治疗领域,Eylea正在努力追赶Lucentis。  不过,Eylea自2011年上市后,新适应症个数和全球销售额一直在不断刷新,数度超过业界预期。Eylea上市1年,在美国的销售额达到8.38亿美元;而在最近,今年第二季度,Eylea的表现再次超出业界预期,销售额达4.15亿美元,比去年同期增长26%。  政府资助的疗效比较独立研究:  该项研究是一项由美国政府资助的独立研究,目的是确定3种不同的抗VEGF疗法(Eylea,Avastin,Lucentis),在治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)方面,是否其中一种药物优于其他2种药物。  该研究是一项疗效比较研究,由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)赞助、糖尿病性视网膜变性临床研究网络(DRCR.net)领导,在660例糖尿病性视网膜病变(DME)患者中开展,数据表明,在研究的52周,与罗氏安维汀(Avastin,通用名:bevacizumab,贝伐单抗)和诺华/罗氏Lucentis(通用名:ranibizumab,兰尼单抗)相比,Eylea(aflibercept)使最佳矫正视力(BCVA)从基线水平取得了显著更大程度的改善,达到了研究的主要终点。此外,根据临床研究协议规定的复治方案(retreatment regimen),Eylea治疗组比Avastin和Lucentis治疗组注射次数少一个;同时,与Avastin和Lucentis治疗组相比,Eylea治疗组有较少的患者接受黄斑部位激光治疗。研究中,大部分眼部和全身不良事件(AEs)发生率在3个治疗组相似。  DRCR.net已将该研究的顶线数据与研究者分享,目前正在准备提交发表并计划在未来的医疗会议公布详细数据。在发表之前,DRCR.net暂时不会公布结果。该项研究的数据,将为临床视网膜专家及其患者,提供非常有用的信息,帮助指导治疗决策。该项研究的协议细节可在[url]www.drcr.net上找到。(生物谷Bioon.com)  英文原文:Regeneron's Eylea bests Lucentis, Avastin in diabetic eye disease, NIH study finds  Regeneron and Bayer's Eylea hasn't had any trouble hanging with rivals from Novartis ($NVS) and Roche ($RHHBY), racking up sales that have consistently topped analyst expectations since its U.S. rollout in late 2011. Now, new data may help it potentially top them in a market the Swiss drugmakers got to first.  On Friday, Regeneron ($REGN) announced that in an NIH-sponsored study, Eylea bested both Lucentis and Avastin--a cancer drug that docs often use off-label, thanks to its significantly lower price tag--at treating diabetic macular edema (DME).  Not only did Eylea win out efficacy-wise after 52 weeks, but it also posted a better safety record and required fewer injections on average--advantages that could provide an even bigger boost if they're confirmed by final study results due next year, according to RBC Capital Markets analyst Adnan Butt.  If anything, the data "help Eylea's launch in DME, with the potential to be even more impactful if differences persist at two years," he said, as quoted by StreetInsider.  That's good news for Bayer and Regeneron, who will be playing catch-up in DME. Roche ($RHHBY) and Novartis ($NVS) picked up nods for the malady in Europe and the U.S. in 2011 and 2012, respectively.  But it's not like playing catch-up has been a problem for Eylea's marketers so far. After racking up $838 million in U.S. sales in its first full year on the market, the drug has gone on to trounce one analyst estimate after the next. Most recently, it netted $415 million in second-quarter sales for Tarrytown, NY-based Regeneron, a 26% leap over the year-ago period.[/url]

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